PICTURES:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Will wet sanding and reapplying clear coat to my paint make it look better; more info inside. (10 PTS!)?
From the pictures your clear is gone on a couple of places and the color is showing through.You cannot just spray clear over it you need to reapply color over the areas that are showing through. Not only the clear but the color is sun damaged as well. Go to the body shop and get an estimate.They will paint the roof and trunk to put color and clear back over the areas that are faded because of the UV rays.Your looking at about $500 to $800 depending on where you go.
To add a comment about what sleepy said about spraying color on without clear on it. If you find a body shop that does that you are in the wrong place. You are only going to run in to the same problem that you have now. Clear has a UV protectant in it to prevent the sun from damaging the paint. Unfortunately back in the 80's They were trying to save money and put less coats of clear on the cars and........well you see the problem. Putting color on your car without clear will not look good it will have a very dull finish.Will wet sanding and reapplying clear coat to my paint make it look better; more info inside. (10 PTS!)?
If you are going to sand and clear coat, I think you will be wasting time and money. Once you start sanding, you will find yourself cutting into the actual paint and I can almost guarantee you will cut more paint than you want and will need to apply a color coat anyway. I would only be guessing as to the price where you are at. Shop around for a complete paint job and not just a clearcoat. The sanding, prepping, and masking are all labor intensive. Spend the extra $$$ if you can and get a basecoat/clearcoat. A urethane enamal will cost a little bit more but will last a lot longer than the straight enamal most shops do their cheap paint jobs with.
If you dont want to spend the $$$ due to it's age, you might go a little cheaper and get a paint job without the clear. The drawback to this is your car is metalic and if you scratch it or need to buff it, the metalics will move in the paint and you wont be happy with the look. Some shops will paint a metalic without a clearcoat; I wont.
I have a car with the same problem and dont want to spend the $$$ on it and I can do it way cheap as I can do the work myself. My opinion is kind of like yours; it's a 94 and is it worth spending a bunch of cash on it?
Okay, after all that--I don't think you will be happy with just a clearcoat.
It wouldn't hurt to try wet sanding to see if the whitish spots regain color. If they do, you will need to wet sand the whole car before applying a clear coat to the whole car.
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